Directions Münster Hotel Mauritzhof
Hotel Mauritzhof
Eisenbahnstraße 1748143 Münster
1. By car:
- Via the motorway A 1 / A 43, exit Münster - Süd or and Münster - Nord you can reach us in the direction of Stadtmitte / Hauptbahnhof.
- On Bahnhofstraße turn north in the direction of Urbanstraße.
- Then turn left onto Servatiiplatz
- Then turn right onto Salzstraße
- The salt road runs to the right and becomes Winkelstraße.
- Then turn right onto Mauritzstraße and use the right lane to turn onto Eisenbahnstraße.
- The hotel is on the right hand side.
2. by train:
- Railway station Münster (Westf) main station.
- The following buses leave every 6 minutes in direction Mauritzhof Hotel: 1, 5, 9, 16, 17
- The hotel is located after 2 min walk on the right side.
3. by plane:
- The airport Münster / Osnabrück (FMO) is about 28 km away from the hotel.
- There is a bus shuttle to the main station at regular intervals.
- From the main station, the following buses leave every 6 min in the direction of Mauritzhof Hotel: 1, 5, 9, 16, 17
Hotel Mauritzhof
Eisenbahnstraße 17
48143 Münster
Tel.: +49 (0) 251 - 4 17 20
Fax: +49 (0) 251 - 4 17 2 99
Route planning with Google Maps
You can find parking facilities here.