Seminars in Berlin
Further education in Berlin: Book seminars for executives in the capital
The German capital has been picking up economic momentum for years, and the start-up scene in particular is growing. The metropolis enjoys high international popularity. Its knowledge landscape is characterized by several large universities, quite a few research facilities and institutes.
Continuing education in Berlin takes place in an environment that is both rich in history and dynamic. It is the city of dazzling contrasts, always on the move. For leadership training as well as rhetoric and communication seminars, Berlin offers the best conditions.
The transport connections within the city are excellent, so that participants can take advantage of the cultural offerings in the evenings after a training course in Berlin. The wellness facilities of the large hotels provide rest and relaxation, where a concentrated seminar day in Berlin can come to an end.
Further dates in Berlin (71)
Ihr Weg zum Seminar in Berlin
Choose the right management training in Berlin
The Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann regularly holds a large number of different training courses and executive trainings in Berlin. Please have a look at our program, where the respective venue and the exact date of our seminars in Berlin are listed.
For specialists and executives we offer a tailor-made concept of courses, which are adapted in their topics to today's working world. And, of course, we are always adapting the content to the changing world.
As your training provider, we are committed to bringing you closer to the latest developments in business with our executive training courses in Berlin. For example, with training topics such as:
- Time management
- Moderation training
- Rhetoric
- Argumentation training
- Personnel management
- Emotional Intelligence
- Sales training
- From employee to supervisor
Our qualification programs in the capital city deserve special mention. Upon completion of this course in Berlin, you will earn a management diploma. The various leadership programs are aimed at both junior staff and experienced managers. Newcomers to top positions learn how to expand motivation and persuasion skills as well as systemic thinking in this training in Berlin. Experienced managers receive a management update from a professional coach.
Your advantages with Kitzmann seminars in Berlin
Our face-to-face seminars for executives in Berlin take place in modern surroundings with the best technical equipment.
The training courses in Berlin are spread over two consecutive days. This gives you enough time to get involved in the subject matter.
During the courses in Berlin, you will not only expand your technical knowledge of the respective topic - the learning material will be conveyed to you in a stimulating manner with a strong practical orientation.
With the help of many exercises and case studies, you can easily apply what you have learned to your own work situation. Individual and group work alternate, and the question and answer sessions ensure that the training in Berlin is lively and varied.
With a group size of no more than nine people, special attention is also paid to the wishes and needs of each individual participant.
Your questions and suggestions about our various training courses in Berlin are always welcome.
Further education in Berlin: Selection of our course offerings
Learning leadership skills and motivating teams through leadership seminars.
Train speech fluency and persuasiveness through rhetoric courses.
Improve sales and increase profits through sales seminars.
Self-confidence and resilience training in personality development courses.
Structure work methods and processes through organizational courses.
Success Story: Einzelhandelsunternehmen aus Berlin
Ein renommiertes Einzelhandelsunternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin, das bundesweit bekannt ist, hatte Schwierigkeiten, seine Führungskräfte auf die zunehmenden Herausforderungen im Arbeitsalltag vorzubereiten. Die Leitung der Filialen war zunehmend komplexer geworden, da neben der Steuerung des Tagesgeschäfts auch strategische Aufgaben wie die Optimierung interner Prozesse und die Entwicklung von Mitarbeiterpotenzialen in den Fokus rückten. Besonders in den Bereichen Zeitmanagement und Resilienz sahen sich die Führungskräfte mit wachsendem Druck konfrontiert.
Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, entwickelten wir eine Seminarreihe, die speziell auf die Themen Leadership, Zeitmanagement und Resilienz zugeschnitten war. Die Führungskräfte wurden darin geschult, wie sie ihre Arbeitszeit effizienter gestalten, Prioritäten richtig setzen und gleichzeitig ihre eigene Widerstandskraft gegenüber Stress stärken konnten. Im Rahmen der Leadership-Module lernten die Teilnehmer, wie sie ihr Team durch schwierige Phasen führen und gleichzeitig Motivation und Leistungsbereitschaft aufrechterhalten. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Schulung war der Umgang mit stressbedingten Belastungen sowie die Entwicklung von Techniken zur Stärkung der persönlichen Resilienz.
Ergebnisse und Erfolge:
Die Führungskräfte konnten ihre Zeit nach den Seminaren deutlich besser managen und berichteten von einer erhöhten persönlichen Widerstandskraft gegenüber Stress. Die positiven Auswirkungen zeigten sich nicht nur auf individueller Ebene, sondern auch im Teamgefüge: Die Mitarbeiter profitierten von einer klareren Kommunikation und einer besseren Strukturierung der Arbeitsabläufe. Dies führte zu einer insgesamt entspannteren Arbeitsatmosphäre und einer höheren Motivation im Team. Auch die Mitarbeiterfluktuation konnte reduziert werden, was das Unternehmen in seiner Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärkte.
Ausblick und zukünftige Maßnahmen:
Zukünftig plant das Unternehmen, die Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen für seine Führungskräfte zu intensivieren. Neue Seminare sollen Themen wie digitale Führung, Change-Management und mentale Gesundheit in den Fokus rücken, um die Führungskräfte noch besser auf die Herausforderungen einer sich wandelnden Arbeitswelt vorzubereiten. Regelmäßige Reflexionseinheiten und Coachings sollen sicherstellen, dass die Führungskräfte langfristig gestärkt werden.
Further advantages of executive courses in Berlin
The vibrant German capital has an inspiring effect on many people. An executive education course in Berlin will help them advance personally and professionally. The professional input from our highly qualified trainers and the exchange of experiences with other course participants will open up new perspectives.
If you as an employer offer your employees advanced training in Berlin, your company will also benefit. Experience shows that employees return to work more motivated after a training course. They can effectively apply what they have learned in their day-to-day work. In addition, training strengthens employee loyalty to the company.
Conclusion: Seminars in Berlin are an investment in the individual and not least in the entire company.
Promoting further development as a reliable partner
The Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann from Münster is a further education institution that primarily addresses specialists and executives from business and administration. For more than 45 years we have been accompanying and supporting specialists and executives in their further development.
More than 5,000 participants are trained annually in our open and in-house seminars nationwide. Participant-activating methods are predominantly used to achieve a high learning efficiency. Special emphasis is placed on practical implementation. The range of events covers the most important key qualifications for specialists and managers.