Health management

Health management

Health as a leadership task
Seminar objective

You will learn how the health of managers and employees affects the success of the company. We enable you to identify factors that promote stress and illness in the future. You will then learn techniques on how to remedy these factors yourself in the future. Furthermore, you will learn how to design your management style in a way that promotes health in the future and how to optimise the framework conditions for your employees. Your employees should also be put in a position to promote their own health. Finally, we show you how to implement health management as a fixed anchor in the company organisation and how to sustainably ensure and control the measures.

Seminar content

What is the impact of healthy managers and employees on corporate success?

  • Effects of health and illness on corporate profit
  • Effects of health and illness on corporate culture
  • The basic principles of healthy leadership

What factors promote stress and illness? What keeps you healthy instead?

  • What symptoms indicate too much stress? How do I recognise these symptoms of stress in myself and in my employees?
  • Healthy leadership: What can you as a leader do for your own health? How can your leadership style have a health-promoting effect?

Self-reflection on your own health and (stress) symptoms

  • Getting to know simple and quickly applicable exercises for stress reduction
  • Learn methods and techniques that specifically increase your own ability to cope with stress
  • Proactively prevent stress from "spilling over" to the staff.
  • Reflecting on one's own leadership behaviour (focusing on employees' strengths, appreciative communication, the importance of feedback and criticism, information policy, delegation, etc.).

How can the well-being of staff be promoted? What can employees do for themselves?

  • Framework conditions of the company to actively promote health
  • How can employees promote their health "on their own"?
  • How can health management be implemented as a fixed anchor in the company's mission statement? How can the sustainability of the measures be ensured?

In our seminar „Healthy Leadership“ you will acquire comprehensive knowledge about the importance of healthy leadership in the company and learn how you can promote the good general health of your employees and maintain it in the long term.

  • You will gain a fundamental understanding of the connections between the success of the company, your personal success and the health of everyone involved.
  • You will receive quickly applicable tips for your own stress reduction.
  • You will learn how to act as a role model with your leadership style and thus prevent stress from spilling over to your employees.
  • You will gain an insight into which company-wide measures promote the health of employees and how to finally make this success measurable.
  • You will receive a personal action plan For you as a manager: With these measures I will promote the health of myself and my employees in the future.
  • Exercises
  • Role plays
  • simulation of a conversation
  • short trainer inputs
  • external and self-analysis
Target audience

The seminar „Healthy Leadership“ is aimed at managers and human resource managers from all sectors who want to learn how to keep their employees healthy and productive. Previous knowledge is not required.

1.150,00 € (ex. VAT)
1.368,50 € (inc. VAT)
Included in the price: Working documents, certificate of participation, lunch and coffee breaks.
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Further dates ( 1 )
07.10.2024 - 08.10.2024
  • Strong practical relevance
  • The seminar is guaranteed
  • Seminar provider since 1975
Course ref.
  • 1. Day: 10:00 - 17:00
  • 2. Day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar language
Number of participants
not more than 9 participants
Further seminars

We would be happy to conduct all of our open seminars for you in an adapted form as an in-house seminar.
Dates and Locations
( 1 Dates )
Jul 2024
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Jan 2025
Feb 2025
Mar 2025
Apr 2025
May 2025
Jun 2025
Period: 07.10.2024 - 08.10.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €