The employee appraisal

The employee appraisal

Motivation, recognition, criticism, support
Seminar objective

Managers want motivated employees. The appraisal interview is one of the most important management tools for this. This requires social competence, empathy and the willingness to conduct discussions in a constructive and structured manner in order to develop the potential of employees. In the seminar, the most important discussion situations of specialists and managers are presented, discussed and practiced. Your leadership communication will improve. Typical examples of conversations illustrate the successful progress of employee discussions.

Seminar content

Basics for the exchange - the employee appraisal:

  • Scheduling time together and focusing on company goals
  • Engaging together: sharing and absorbing information through dialogue
  • Essential elements and phases of any discussion situation
  • Planned and also spontaneous discussion situations: living agility

Conducting constructive employee discussions:

  • Creating the right framework
  • Focus on the employee: the annual appraisal and the target agreement
  • How do I motivate in the interests of the company?
  • Employee orientation: the appraisal interview
  • Constructive in the matter - the criticism discussion
  • How do I address strengths and weaknesses?
  • The promotion interview and the appraisal interview
  • Recruitment and appraisal interviews

Creating the right environment:

  • Correctly assessing the employee's interests and addressing motives
  • Wavelength and personal "chemistry" in an interview
  • Team spirit and team fit

Conversational skills:

  • Positive conversational climate: body language and its impact
  • How to steer conversations through questioning techniques
  • The balance between directive and non-directive conversational behavior
  • Body language and its effects
  • Encouraging and inhibiting factors in the appraisal interview
  • The conclusion of the conversation

In this seminar, you will learn how to effectively conduct employee and staff interviews for long-term and profitable success.

  • You will be introduced to the basics of successful performance appraisals for better understanding
  • You will learn how to conduct constructive appraisal interviews to motivate your employees in the long run
  • You will understand the environment and framework that needs to be created in order to successfully master the employee appraisal interview
  • You will receive valuable tips and tricks in conducting discussions in order to keep a cool head even in difficult situations
  • Interactive and experience-oriented exchange
  • Examples of exercises
  • Supervision
  • Reflection on one's own leadership style
  • Trainer input
Target audience

The employee appraisal seminar is aimed at managers, junior managers, project managers and personnel managers who want to conduct appraisal interviews even more effectively.

Information about seminar

In our employee appraisal seminar, you will gain important knowledge about the various elements and phases of interview management. In small groups of a maximum of 9 people, you will learn over two seminar days what is important in employee-oriented discussion management and how you can best communicate certain topics in an employee discussion. With the help of various exercises, you will learn over two days how to use the right leadership tools even in difficult conversations and thus master these situations as a manager through the right preparation.

In our employee appraisal seminar, you will receive professional leadership tools and methods for leadership in various discussion situations to make it easier for you to lead employees. After the seminar, you will be able to communicate even complex issues and difficult situations competently as a leader. Due to the strong practical relevance of our seminars, you will effectively strengthen your own leadership skills and thus be perceived as a competent leader.

1.150,00 € (ex. VAT)
1.368,50 € (inc. VAT)
Included in the price: Working documents, certificate of participation, lunch and coffee breaks.
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Further dates ( 22 )
29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
09.09.2024 - 10.09.2024
23.09.2024 - 24.09.2024
  • Strong practical relevance
  • The seminar is guaranteed
  • Seminar provider since 1975
Course ref.
  • 1. Day: 10:00 - 17:00
  • 2. Day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar language
Number of participants
not more than 9 participants
Further seminars

We would be happy to conduct all of our open seminars for you in an adapted form as an in-house seminar.
Dates and Locations
( 27 Dates )
Jul 2024
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Jan 2025
Feb 2025
Mar 2025
Apr 2025
May 2025
Jun 2025
Period: 29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
Ort: Köln
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 09.09.2024 - 10.09.2024
Ort: Berlin
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 23.09.2024 - 24.09.2024
Ort: Frankfurt
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
Ort: München
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
Ort: Online-Seminar
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 07.11.2024 - 08.11.2024
Ort: Hamburg
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 02.12.2024 - 03.12.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 09.12.2024 - 10.12.2024
Ort: Stuttgart
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 13.01.2025 - 14.01.2025
Ort: München
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 23.01.2025 - 24.01.2025
Ort: Online-Seminar
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
The technical competence of the seminar leader was very good!
I particularly liked the practical relevance of the training and the inclusion of the participants.
I can rate the seminar "The employee appraisal" overall VERY GOOD.
I was very pleased that personal and professional questions were taken up and worked on in this seminar. This made the event very practical.