Motivation seminar

Motivation seminar

Activating one's own and others' potentials
Seminar objective

Your success - and that of your colleagues and team members - starts in the mind! It is important to create the right key and the best framework conditions for performance readiness. Finding methods for self-motivation, trying them out in training and thinking about your personal (performance) limits - these are the goals for this seminar. You will gain the most important insights into motivation and success strategies for your team and yourself in order to be able to master special challenges mentally strong and successfully.

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Seminar content

Create a positive mindset:

  • Strengthen your positive motivation
  • Mental strength - how do I get an optimistic basic attitude?
  • How to activate forces through the subconscious?
  • Exceeding your own limits
  • Reward system for yourself and others
  • Increasing success - how do you motivate your team?

Principles and strategies:

  • Peak performance through "flow
  • Setting and achieving milestones
  • Special features of the "anchor technique
  • "Pretending" - developing strategies
  • The "here and now" principle
  • Changing one's own approach

Dealing with fears

  • How do you turn fears into positive energy?
  • Strengthening self-confidence and courageous appearance
  • Power of positive "affirmation

Develop approaches and solutions:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • How do I create a positive and attractive environment?
  • Permanent actions
  • What are the most important visualization techniques?
  • Strategies for everyday life

After this seminar, you will be able to confidently apply motivational strategies to motivate yourself and those around you in a sustainable way.

  • You will be familiarized with the basics of motivation to learn more about the influencing factors of motivation.
  • You will get to know different motivation methods and learn how to apply them in your daily work routine
  • You will learn how to sustainably increase your success in everyday working life
  • You will develop a deeper understanding of how to increase motivation to create a pleasant working atmosphere
  • Practical exercises
  • Tips for transferring learnings into everyday life
  • External and self-analysis
  • Moderated discussion
  • Exercises with individual feedback
Target audience

The motivation seminar is aimed at specialists and managers from business enterprises of all sizes and industries as well as from public administration.

1.150,00 € (ex. VAT)
1.368,50 € (inc. VAT)
Included in the price: Working documents, certificate of participation, lunch and coffee breaks.
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Further dates ( 5 )
29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.12.2024 - 03.12.2024
24.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
  • Strong practical relevance
  • The seminar is guaranteed
  • Seminar provider since 1975
Course ref.
  • 1. Day: 10:00 - 17:00
  • 2. Day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar language
Number of participants
not more than 9 participants
Further seminars

We would be happy to conduct all of our open seminars for you in an adapted form as an in-house seminar.
Dates and Locations
( 5 Dates )
Jul 2024
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Jan 2025
Feb 2025
Mar 2025
Apr 2025
May 2025
Jun 2025
Period: 29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 02.12.2024 - 03.12.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 24.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 28.08.2025 - 29.08.2025
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 01.12.2025 - 02.12.2025
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
I particularly enjoyed the intensive exchange of ideas with the course instructor and the seminar participants!
Very good coordination and discussions related to the topic of the training.
Remarkable was the small group size and thus the possibility of open communication.
The seminar trainer is great! I can rate this seminar VERY GOOD!

Video about Motivation seminar