Presenting and moderating online

Presenting and moderating online

Seminar objective

How do I present successfully in a virtual environment? In this seminar you will learn the specifics of presentations on online platforms and how to win over your audience. Techniques and tools will be presented with which you can successfully use the digital presentation situation and the virtual space. You will work concretely on your persuasiveness and charisma in front of the camera. By means of practical examples and transfer tasks you visualize exactly your goals and find ways to achieve them.

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Seminar content

Preparation of a presentation:

  • Basics and methods of online presentation
  • Visual aids for a successful presentation
  • What specifically needs to be considered in online situations?
  • What exactly are the differences to the offline presentation?
  • Planning a virtual presentation: Digitization

Presenting convincingly:

  • Presenting professionally: moderating digitally and in virtual space
  • Leading web meetings competently at a distance
  • Learning by doing: Try out your own online presentation Use storytelling to captivate listeners

Win over the audience:

  • Laughter is welcome: Wit and humor in the virtual room
  • Using tools: breakout rooms and collaboration methods
  • Digitally activate and motivate listeners - through chats and interactive media

After this seminar you will be familiar with all the basics to successfully inspire your audience online.

  • You will learn to present in a digital space in a way that is appropriate for the target group and to involve all participants.
  • You will be introduced to the basics and methods of presentation in a virtual space in order to use it effectively and purposefully.
  • You will practice the online presentation and receive helpful tips and tricks from practice
  • Our seminar is based on several learning units, each of which deals with a specific question on the topic. The advantage of such a modular structure: The knowledge is imparted to you in a compact way. In the course you will first a theoretical basic knowledge, which you reflect on with the help of concrete instructions and exercises. This is done by means of transfer tasks and practical examples. You will also learn how to quickly integrate the newly acquired knowledge into your everyday working life.
Target audience

The seminar online presenting and moderating is aimed at specialists and managers, moderators, trainers and presenters. Furthermore, to all those persons who would like to conduct professional and goal-oriented online meetings, video conferences, web seminars and other online events.

1.150,00 € (ex. VAT)
1.368,50 € (inc. VAT)
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Further dates ( 4 )
12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
09.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
12.06.2025 - 13.06.2025
  • Strong practical relevance
  • The seminar is guaranteed
  • Seminar provider since 1975
Course ref.
  • 1. Day: 10:00 - 17:00
  • 2. Day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar language
Number of participants
not more than 9 participants
Further seminars

We would be happy to conduct all of our open seminars for you in an adapted form as an in-house seminar.
Dates and Locations
( 4 Dates )
Jul 2024
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Jan 2025
Feb 2025
Mar 2025
Apr 2025
May 2025
Jun 2025
Period: 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 09.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 12.06.2025 - 13.06.2025
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 11.09.2025 - 12.09.2025
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €

Video about Presenting and moderating online