Time management and self-management

Time management and self-management

Make your work more effective through organization and time management
Seminar objective

Improve your time and self-management! A more efficient use of your time at work creates more space for the most important tasks. In this seminar you will reflect on your self-organization, set your priorities and learn time saving work techniques. Using everyday work life examples, you will be shown new methods and principles of work organization, how to deal with the flood of information, and the typical pitfalls in dealing with time. You can create customized daily and weekly plans and transfer them into your everyday life.

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Seminar content

Introduction Time management: methods and techniques:

  • Methodical and structured approach to work
  • The Pareto Time Principle (80:20 rule)
  • The ABC Analysis and the Eisenhower Principle
  • Saving time with daily and weekly plans: analog and digital methods
  • Train yourself to read quickly
  • Meeting deadlines and achieving goals

Conscious use of time:

  • Time and self-management: strategies for improving the way you work.
  • Working in an agile environment: dealing with constant accessibility, important and urgent tasks, and information overload: adapting the way you work
  • Maintaining an overview - finding the right objectives

Change time and quality processes in a targeted manner:

  • Where is my time sweeping away?
  • Save time through sensible and correct delegation as well as control (daily and weekly schedules).
  • Create schedules and appointment lists for the right time planning
  • Create free time windows for your priorities
  • Say "No!"
  • Achieve your goals through time-saving ways of working

What factors cause success?

  • Reduce stress through systems of order in the workplace
  • Self-confidence through functioning structures
  • How do I motivate myself?
  • Recognizing and building on strengths

After this seminar you will have learned the most important tools to organize your daily work more effectively.

  • You will get an introduction to time management and learn the most important methods and techniques to organize time.
  • You will learn how to work agilely in your daily work and how to adapt your way of working to it
  • You will analyze your personal time guzzlers and learn how to eliminate them
  • You will learn which factors contribute to your success and how you can best achieve your goals.
  • Example exercises
  • Simulation of everyday situations
  • Trainer input
  • Exchange of experiences and discussion
  • Individual and group exercises
Target audience

The seminar time management is aimed at all those who want to achieve more in the shortest possible time.

This seminar is also offered as part of a development program.

Information about seminar

Time management addresses the task of meeting certain demands and deadlines in a certain amount of available time. The time management seminar will provide you with successful strategies and techniques on how to master your time, improve your work performance as a leader, set priorities and generate more free time. Depending on your work and personality, you as a participant can work out the best method for you to use your time effectively through our time management seminar.

Time management means organizing tasks to make effective use of time. The responsibility of managers is to delegate tasks in an organized way and to complete other important assignments effectively. In our time management training, you as a manager will learn to manage both aspects effectively and without stress, through good time planning.

Smart use of our time management methods for scheduling or dealing with e-mails, can lead to work more efficiently. Our trainers will show you how to deliver performance under time pressure.

Our two day time management seminar takes place on the first day of the seminar at 10 am to 5 pm and on the second day of the seminar from 09 am to 4 pm. In our time management training you will receive important input from our trainers and carry out individual as well as group work to reflect on certain methods and his own time management.

Our time management seminar helps you to achieve more simplicity in your daily work and provides you with many tools for your job and/ or your free time. You will learn useful techniques for setting priorities, planning tasks and creating structure. We help you to find your time killers and give you approaches on how to get rid of them. Since time management is an individual topic, this seminar also focuses on your own work organization. The focus of the event is on the personal challenges and questions of our participants.

1.150,00 € (ex. VAT)
1.368,50 € (inc. VAT)
Fee Zurich: 1.600,00 CHF
Included in the price: Working documents, certificate of participation, lunch and coffee breaks.
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Further dates ( 61 )
18.07.2024 - 19.07.2024
12.08.2024 - 13.08.2024
22.08.2024 - 23.08.2024
  • Strong practical relevance
  • The seminar is guaranteed
  • Seminar provider since 1975
Course ref.
  • 1. Day: 10:00 - 17:00
  • 2. Day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar language
Number of participants
not more than 9 participants
Further seminars

We would be happy to conduct all of our open seminars for you in an adapted form as an in-house seminar.
Dates and Locations
( 65 Dates )
Jul 2024
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Jan 2025
Feb 2025
Mar 2025
Apr 2025
May 2025
Jun 2025
Period: 18.07.2024 - 19.07.2024
Ort: Nürnberg
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 12.08.2024 - 13.08.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 22.08.2024 - 23.08.2024
Ort: Berlin
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
Ort: Zürich
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.600,00 CHF
Period: 09.09.2024 - 10.09.2024
Ort: München
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 09.09.2024 - 10.09.2024
Ort: Hamburg
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
Ort: Köln
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 19.09.2024 - 20.09.2024
Ort: Frankfurt
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 26.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
Ort: Münster
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
Period: 10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
Ort: Wien
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1.150,00 €
I was very satisfied with the working atmosphere in the seminar!
I particularly liked the continuous dialogue between participants and trainer.
The seminar leader carried out the event very individually and worked out tailor-made solutions with the participants!
I can rate this seminar as "very good"!

Video about Time management and self-management